Arrow-B IQ Test

20 questions / 10 minutes / IQ estimates of up to 170
(Try this only if you score more than 130 on one of our tests)

Here is a sample :
Your task is to determine the ‘odd one out’

Answer : in the third image, the arrow does not show the same pattern.

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22 thoughts on “Arrow-B IQ Test

  1. I believe the solution to item 7 should be « E », since it is the only one where the arrow interception doesn’t point to the first « straight » angle of the purple line, counting from the extreme opposite of the black ball.

  2. I put in item 20 option B (right choice) but do not know if my logic is complete. Just chose B because it was the only case in which the arrow pointed to three different colors. If this is incomplete, what is the logic?

  3. Too Hard 4 me maybe i need more practise(never see these type of questions)
    But i got more than at least 140 on mensa text -.-

  4. I feel like some of the questions have multiple answers, especially 7. One could classify E as the answer to question 7 because the two arrows pinpoint the squares in which the first two lines are placed that wrap around the ball in every answers but E. The other ones im not sure enough to complain you’re pretty good at making test without multiple answers, really ive only caught one this entire time and you corrected it the same day

  5. Hi admin, have you calculated correlations between age and IQ?, not for this test in particular, but all your data.

  6. Hi Admin. Is it possible to reduce time in memory-B test? Something like 400 ms or less in order to evaluate eidetic memory.

    • In Memory-B test, the table of numbers is shown during 1000 ms (1 s). That is enough to evaluate short-term memory.
      I may propose to the user the choice of time to measure « subliminal memory » (?).
      By the way, eidetic memory is probably a myth… (read Wikipedia).

      • Thank you for the information. It would be beautiful tobe able to choose between different ranges of time :)

        On the other hand, I did your all your IQ tests under time limit and once. It was fantastic that I achieved around 125 most of them except « dominoes I did 150″, « arrow-B 114″ and « analogic A 117″. I think I’m not gifted. I also achieved 58 in Raven. Do you recommend me to do WAIS test? Or is it a waste of time?

        Happy New Year!

        • Hello joseplus,

          a) Let me find time to modify Memory-B training.

          b) I do not understand how you got such scores as « 150 in Dominoes » and « 117 in Analogic-A ». Maybe a bad concentration during the test ?
          Anyway, that score of 150 in Dominoes is more relevant because you cannot score so high by chance.

          c) That is a good idea to take WAIS test because they will give you index and analysis to show your strengths and weaknesses.

          Happy new year !

          • Thank you for your reply.

            a) Let me find time to modify Memory-B training —> If it’s difficult for you, it’s not so important but I like that test :)

            b) I do not understand how you got such scores as « 150 in Dominoes » and « 117 in Analogic-A ». Maybe a bad concentration during the test ?
            Anyway, that score of 150 in Dominoes is more relevant because you cannot score so high by chance.—–> I can’t understand so high in Dominoes because in the rest I’m over 120-130. I took it a second time with the nick and I achieved 143 so I think in dominoes I’m over 140-150. Arrows and analogic, instead, are really difficult for me. I did it twice and I got the same score :( If you want to know, the first time I did all of your tests the same day, one afternoon. I think I shouldn’t do your tests again because this would cheat myself. Although if you changed your tests in the future I could pay for another month. Anyway, thanks for your tests.

            c) That is a good idea to take WAIS test because they will give you index and analysis to show your strengths and weaknesses.–> Yes, my sister is psychologist and she has commented me to do it. I’ll see…

  7. a) I added to the Memory-B training a field to let you choose the time allowed. Good Luck with only 100 ms !

    b) Still do not understand why Analogic-A appears hard for you.

    c) Maybe WAIS can explain these discrepancies in your scores.

    • a) Thank you a lot!! I hope not to become addicted to it. Let’s go :)

      b) Yes, some of your tests are difficult for me. In 2 of them I can’t reach 120; there’re some questions my brain can’t overcome nor with 2 minutes more. I’ll try to do them next year . I hope to have forgotten them by that time.

      c) Yes, maybe it’s the solution.

  8. Sincerely, thank you for memory-B modifications. I have hardly noticed changes except when I reduced under 400ms. In 100ms it’s almost impossible for me to get 7 even 6 sometimes.

    Very good for exercise :) :)

    Have a wonderful new year 2014!

  9. I don’t know why i am bad in Arrow-B. Results on other test are good.
    Estimated IQ (SD=15) is 127, but i got only 100 on this.

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